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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Interim president gets help

Former chancellor Gros Louis will aid Bepko as special adviser

Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis, who retired as IUB Chancellor and vice president for academic affairs on June 30, 2001, has been named as a special adviser to interim president Gerald Bepko.\nBepko, who is retiring as IUPUI Chancellor this year, will fill in for IU President Myles Brand, who will leave Jan. 1 to serve as president of the NCAA, until a permanent replacement can be found. \nLast week, Bepko told the Bloomington Faculty Council that Gros Louis would serve as his adviser.\n"We had talked off and on and before and after he was named interim president," Gros Louis said. "And when he was named he would like to formalize it in an adviser position."\nBepko said Gros Louis was a natural choice, given his history with the University.\n"There is no one who has greater knowledge of the institutional history and all the many academic matters and other matters that have transpired within the University," Bepko said.\nHaving served IU's Bloomington campus for 38 years, Gros Louis will also lend his knowledge of the campus to Bepko, who served mostly on the Indianapolis campus.\n"Since Gerry has been in Indianapolis a couple of years, I will advise him on Bloomington if he has any questions," Gros Louis said.\nIn addition, Gros Louis will serve as an academic adviser who will assist Bepko during the hectic period of working with the general assembly to receive funding for IU. \n"Both Bloomington and the smaller campuses will need attention and he will be very busy working with the general assembly," Gros Louis said.\nGros Louis said he has a close relationship with Bepko which will help him in assisting Bepko during this period of adjustment.\n"Gerry and I worked very closely," Gros Louis said. "We worked very well. Between the two of us, we know a lot about the traditions and history of the University."\nFormer IU President John Ryan also noted Gros Louis' academic side as a former Chancellor will assist Bepko greatly.\n"He was very much a scholarly person," Ryan said. "He had a strong academic side. He was a teacher for many years, and that gave him a feel for the life of the campus. He was an excellent teacher and chancellor."\nGros Louis said he is happy to be able to serve the University, yet again. \n"I think it will be interesting and enjoyable and I hope I can help IU any way I can"

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