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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

XFL nears end of first season

While covering the Xtreme Football League might not be the most exciting or prestigious position the Indiana Daily Student has to offer, I have learned something through this position.\nI would have liked to keep my wrestling column.\nWhen I wrote a column for the World Wrestling Federation, I would receive e-mails. People would write me saying they liked the fact that professional wrestling was an issue for the school newspaper. Even when the editors terminated my WWF column, they received e-mails in dismay from those who read the column every Wednesday.\nI am not sure if anyone even reads this column.\nWell, if you are reading, that means either you are a friend of mine, you are very bored sitting in that lecture hall or you are truly an XFL fan.\nThe first two options seem more realistic.\nWhat I first thought was going to be something cool and a good alternative to the NFL has turned sour. It seems that people do not want to watch prime time football on Saturday nights. Even the NFL knows this. While ratings are not terribly disappointing for UPN and TNN, NBC is probably taking turns kicking each other for such low ratings.\nMarch Madness has taken away a lot of viewership, but it seems as if people must not get NBC on their televisions Saturday night. \nI believe all the games should be shown on Sundays. This is a day for people to go to church, play intramural softball and watch football. Why do you think the NFL has never decided to go with "Saturday Night Football" on a major network?\nPeople do not even tune in for the cheerleaders anymore. I see prettier girls when I go to Kilroy's after the game.\nAnd while Vince McMahon will not be going broke anytime soon, I am sure he is thinking of ways to get the XFL to work. He has already said that he plans to stick with the XFL. He now holds a monopoly on professional wrestling after purchasing World Championship Wrestling. But I do not feel that he will be able to compete against the Final Four.\nSeeing as how I do watch the games, I feel the quality of football has met its expectations. While the Orlando Rage seems to be the dominant team of the league with an 8-1 record, they are the only team in the Eastern division with a winning record. And with this being the first season of the new football league, the draft might have been somewhat lopsided. \nSunday's Chicago Enforcers game against the Orlando Rage is important for them to get a playoff berth.\nAlthough ratings might be down, XFL officials claim that they will stick to the league. This means that I might still have a column for next year. Since I am a junior this year, this means two things. While I would rather be writing about the WWF, the XFL and I might both finish at the same time.

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