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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Bleachers, press box empty; league's not all it's cracked up to be

The first XFL game at Soldier Field in Chicago, the IDS sports editors were unable to get credentials for us to attend the game. Apparently there were too many "big-time" publications attending the event.\nThis past Sunday, my editors were able to obtain the press passes for the Eastern division showdown which would determine whether or not it would be the Chicago Enforcers or the NY/NJ Hitmen taking the final spot in the playoffs.\nThere were 17,195 people in attendance. If you know anything about Soldier Field, you realize there was plenty of room in the stands. When I was there for a Dave Matthews Band concert, there was at least four times that many people. \nThe press box was not crowded as the Enforcers took on the Orlando Rage. In fact, I think there were enough open seats for all the guys in my fraternity to sit up there.\nThey even gave us free hot dogs and roast beef sandwiches. And since I didn't have to beat the crowd, I was able to get a second helping. \nAs the XFL columnist, I was able to take advantage of these perks. The lack of attendance and media attention let me roam more freely around the stadium.\nAfter fighting my way through the hellacious crowd (I love sarcasm), I was able to make my way to the gate where the Enforcers go into their locker room. \nThe game ended and we went in a little white tent where Enforcers coach Ron Meyer held a press conference. I realize Bob Knight was not holding the press conference, but I could count the reporters on my fingers. Meyer was a very nice man, and I even got to interview him.\nFor those who read this for the XFL portion of the column, Chicago defeated Orlando 23-6. It is now on the quest for what has been coined "The Million Dollar Game." But I just had an epiphany. They should call it, "38 players on the active roster get to split up a million bucks if they win the championship" -- because that's what it really is.\nOrlando dropped its record to 8-2 but should still be considered a front-runner for the extra cash.\nBut as we can see, anyone can pull an upset. Chicago bounced back from an 0-4 record to finish 5-5.\nAnd did I mention they give you free roast beef sandwiches?

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