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Wednesday, May 1
The Indiana Daily Student

All good weeks must end

It's over! This semester of IDS Weekend has come to an end! While those of us working on the magazine might want to change that last sentence to "finally over," we have truly enjoyed serving you a weekly dose of fun and entertainment. \nSince its inception in the fall of 1999, IDS Weekend has steadily evolved into a reliable source of weekend information. There has been no exception to that rule this semester, as we have profiled and reviewed the places, faces and products that make the weekend great.\nOur reviews have expanded, with the addition of weekly DVD reviews and interesting concepts such as the "He Said/She Said" movie reviews. TV coverage was expanded as a few other reviewers joined Jeff Schogol in the weekly quest to find worthwhile and diverse programming. The weekly Eight Tracks column has been outstanding at highlighting local bands appearing at basements, dorms, bars and other buildings near you. Features on local personalities and places of entertainment have -- I hope -- given you, our audience, an answer to the eternal question: What should I do today?\nPersonally, I've had a great time. Obviously it's great to be in charge and to see your ideas and concepts make other people happy. But it's also been wonderful to watch my editorial staff, designers and writers come up with their own creative concepts and to take on ideas I had never even considered. Next fall's IDS Weekend EIC Liz Beltramini will continue to improve the magazine, defining a clear format for content and design. \nTo sum up this column, I'd like to go the Academy Award route and start the thank-yous. First thanks to our Art Director Beth Trujillo for saving my sanity several times and making the Weekend look great every week. Thanks to Copy Chief Steve Kress for catching the (many) mistakes I missed. I thank Reviews Editor Jason Gaddis for always providing us with plenty of articles, even when we didn't need it and Features Editor Katie Cierniak for doing her best to get things in well-written and on time. Thank you to the IDS new media staff for putting us online and to the IDS photo staff for helping have pictures for our stories. \nThank you and goodbye to Steve, Beth, Jeff, Sally O'Brien, Kara Berryman, Leslie Hankins, Laura Berger, Jodi Miskell, Kate Lewis, Rob Pongsajapan and Peggy Trytko, all contributors who are graduating in a week. Thank you to all the reviewers, feature writers and designers who contributed to this semester. Last but not least, thanks to you, our readers for picking up the Weekend each week and reading and enjoying it.

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