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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Rock to get title shot

The biggest controversy has hit the IU campus since the departure of former basketball coach Bob Knight. This will be my last column in the sports section of the IDS. After receiving my "zero-tolerance policy" at the beginning of the semester, the sports editors deemed the idea of the World Wrestling Federation an inappropriate concept for the IDS. \nI have a solution to this problem. I am asking everyone who reads this paper to cancel his or her subscription in protest. Realizing that the paper is free, it will be difficult to ban a paper that is, in essence, subscribed to by everyone who chooses to read it. Maybe there is an outside chance that another section of the paper will decide to run my column, considering that professional wrestling is both sports and entertainment.\nNow let me talk about what I used to get paid the big bucks to do -- the WWF. Here is the latest news:\nA contract signing was held on "Monday Night Raw" between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H. This signing booked a match between the two at the next pay-per-view, "No Way Out." A stipulation under this contract states that neither of the two can engage in physical contact before "No Way Out." If Triple H does, he will be suspended for six months. Should Austin initiate physical contact, he will lose his title shot at Wrestlemania. Triple H pulled a fast one on Raw by hitting Austin with a briefcase before signing the contract. \nIn main event action, a four-way match took place to determine who would face Kurt Angle for the belt on Smackdown. Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, The Big Show and The Rock were set to make a bid for the title. Benoit and Jericho immediately went at it, and soon enough there was melee in the ring. I thought Angle would interfere in the match like Wild Bill in a T-Bone vs. Hart Forrest extravaganza, but surprisingly he did not. The Rock then got the Rock Bottom on Jericho to get the pin and a chance at Angle. Surprisingly, more people have been watching the WWF Thursday, which recently changed the title of its show to "Smackdown X-Treme" (certainly an advertising measure for the XFL). A title change cannot be ruled out this Thursday, but I deem it to be very, very unlikely. And now back to the controversy.\nSome people ride in the Little 500. Some people play on the Internet. Some people go to the bars.\nI party the week of the Little 500, occasionally surf the Web and make my way to Kilroy's every now and then.\nBut one thing I have been doing since before I came to IU, before I had a computer and before I was 21 (or had a fake ID) was watch wrestling. This year I was hired by Pete Newmann to write about the WWF. Today I am writing my last words. The sports section can take away my column, but the one thing they can't do is stop me from watching wrestling.\nI would like to thank everyone who takes time out of his or her days to read this column. It has been a pleasure to write. Whether you read it to get a quick laugh or because you are a true wrestling fan, the bottom line is, I really appreciate it.

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