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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Angle to get title shot

A sold-out crowd was in attendance for Monday Night Raw in a prelude to this Sunday's pay-per-view: No Mercy. Eddie Guerrero set the stage by entering the ring first and bad-mouthing Chyna. Look for these two to stay broken up, as Guerrero will face Bad Ass Billy Gunn this Sunday. In my opinion, you will see Gunn with the Intercontinental Title come next Monday's Raw. \nRikishi gave an interview about his feelings about Stone Cold Steve Austin. His feelings were hurt in that The Rock did not appreciate Rikishi for running over Austin, a move that launched The Rock's career last year. \nLater in the show when Austin came out to address the crowd, Rikishi came on the big screen. Because Rikishi had tendinitis in his knee there was no physical contact between the two, but Rikishi dragged Austin to the back parking lot, then sped away after trying to run Austin over a second time. \nThis will be one helluva brawl this Sunday. Anticipate Austin to lay the smack down on Rikishi, but look forward to a great match between the two, as this will be Austin's first match since returning from his injury.\nWilliam Regale defeated Al Snow to become the European Champion. Regale will probably hold this title for a while, because he is a newcomer and also a British native.\nTriple H and Kane went at each other on Raw. It was quite a physical match up, with Triple H putting the pedigree on Kane outside the ring. Benoit then interfered with the match by getting Triple H in the cross face. These two are going at it at No Mercy, and I am imagining a good match, with Triple H being the fan favorite, and also my favorite.\nY2J Chris Jericho and X-Pac are set to face each other in a steel cage match at No Mercy. Pray this will be the last of the feuds between these two, because it's becoming stale. Y2J's predicted victory will help him move into a different angle where he faces some more big time competitors.\nThe Dudley Boys faced Los Conquistadors on Raw. Los Conquistadors defeated The Dudley Boys because Devon Dudley was getting a table from under the ring. Now that you are wondering who the Los Conquistadors are, they are simply supposed to be Edge & Christian dressed in gold.\nStephanie McMahon-Helmsley introduced Kurt Angle for the main event on Raw. Stephanie now accompanies Angle to the ring as Angle's manager. Angle was at Joe Louis Arena where he made his debut at Survivor Series last year. The main event was with Angle and Edge & Christian vs. The Rock and The Hardy Boys. The Rock immediately attacked Angle once he got to the ring, and was ready to pin Angle when Stephanie interrupted the match. With The Rock distracted by Stephanie, Angle was able to get Jeff Hardy pinned for the victory.\nI believe the main event at No Mercy is going to be an interesting one. With Stephanie now accompanying Angle to the ring, I would not be surprised to see a title change. The Rock has held the title for quite some time, and this would be a good spin off to have Triple H launch his career again without Stephanie. By giving Angle the title, fans would dislike him even more, which is not a bad thing in the good-guy, bad-guy scheme of professional wrestling. Also, this would open up a lot more possibilities for different champions. \nRikishi and Stone Cold will not be disputing for long. But, everyone would love to see The Rock and Austin go at each other. The only problem is that the fans would not know who to cheer for. By launching Angle's career with the title, The Rock can try to find his niche as the bad guy. This might be difficult for the WWF, but in the world of wrestling the good guy always has to face the bad guy.

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