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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Twists and turns in store for WWF

6-man 'Hell in the Cell' match will decide WWF Champion

Monday Night Raw was hotter than a frankfurter from the Kilroys hot dog man in preparation for Armageddon, Sunday night\'s pay-per-view. Gearing up for a long week of finals, I still manage to find time to watch wrestling. For those of you who did not find the time or already began cramming for the big finite exam, this column for keeping pace with the wrestling gossip saves you. \nRaw did not have many matches, but Vince McMahon did make his presence felt. William Regal beating Crash Holly was the only title change of the evening. A change in persona may take place in the Dudley Boys, seeing as they made their way out on Raw in Right to Censor attire. If this effort to turn them into heels does take place, I expect it to be short lived. \nFor the most part, Raw focused on promoting the Hell in the Cell match. Let me break everything down for you to give you my perspective on what is going to happen at Armageddon.\nBilly Gunn vs. Chris Benoit -- Gunn will win this match. He has Chyna with him and that makes him too strong and gives him a big edge against Benoit.\nThe Godfather & Bull Buchanan vs. a tag team to be announced on Smackdown -- This will end up being a three-way with Edge & Christian and K-Kwik & Road Dogg. A title change will take place here, and I am rooting for the Road Dogg. He has always been one of my favorites, and the titles would give them a real push. Also, with the possibility of the Godfather coming back soon, Right to Censor would have to give up the tag-team titles.\nChris Jericho vs. Kane -- A last man standing match. Expect Y2J get a victory here. After this match, I expect the feud between these two to end. I think Kane will form an alliance with The Undertaker.\nHell in the Cell Match -- Kurt Angle, Triple H, The Undertaker, The Rock, Rikishi and Stone Cold Steve Austin face each other for the WWF title. This match will have a lot of twists in it. My guess is that Austin will make a title run after Armageddon. Triple H and Angle will feud after Stephanie reveals she will be carrying Angle's baby. With Vince returning to television, a feud between he and Austin would be a lot more popular if Austin held the title. By doing this, an opportunity would be created for The Rock and Austin to begin preparation for a big match at Wrestlemania. Although this angle might not happen for a while, Austin is a good man to have everyone in the federation gunning for. \nBut there will be no karaoke in the WWF. Some beer drinking from Austin, some hilarious skits from The Rock and some change in personas to increase ratings are very likely to occur. Make no mistake about it; there is no Dogma happening at Armageddon. But, there will be an entourage of good matches and lots of action.

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