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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

The Rock gets hit hard

The most anticipated match on Monday Night Raw, held in Boston, was a steel-cage faceoff between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rikishi. \nAustin handed Rikishi the whooping he promised to all his fans. After repeatedly hitting Rikishi with the door to the cage, he tossed him side to side, flinging him into the cage. Finally, Austin gave him his patented "Stone Cold Stunner" and then captured the victory.\nThe coolest part of this match was after Austin pinned Rikishi and began pounding beers. Enough to turn any 11-year-old into an alcoholic. I hope that boy's mother put on the Disney channel while this match was occurring.\nThat was not the most exciting part of the evening, just the most anticipated. For the main event, The Rock faced Chris Jericho to see who would wrestle WWF champion Kurt Angle on Thursday's UPN Smackdown. This was not a straight up wrestling match. The referee was inadvertently punched by The Rock, which made it possible for chairs to become a factor. The match ended with a "Rock Bottom" and loss of a title shot by Jericho. \nThis is where the excitement began. Rikishi had made his way down to the ring before the match had ended, and surprisingly, did not interfere. Rikishi, evidently miffed that The Rock had not shown him any support, then took matters into his own hands by kicking The Rock in the jaw and squashing him like a late-night flapjack. \nMost important was the announcement Rikishi made. He announced that when he ran over Austin at last November's Survivor Series, The Rock was the one that gave him his keys. Yes, The Rock was the one that convinced Rikishi to run over Austin. That is a huge turn in the WWF story line. It is the first attempt to begin turning The Rock into a villain. With this change, The Rock and Austin will eventually square off. \nIt will be interesting to see how The Rock deals with Rikishi in the near future and how he responds to being accused of convincing Rikishi to run over Austin. In my opinion, The Rock can not turn bad guy in one episode, but this is the first big step. I am also interested to see how Austin responds.\nThe Undertaker made his return to Raw tonight with a swift power bomb to European Champion William Regal. I really hope The Undertaker is able to stay healthy so he can play a major role in the WWF. He has been around as long as anyone in the business and can still contribute to main event cards.\nIn a non-title match, Triple H kicked the crap out of Kurt Angle. He started by pedigreeing Angle through a table. Then, after getting disqualified for throwing around the referee, he pummeled Angle with a chair. Edge & Christian thought they could save the day, but instead they got bushwhacked, too. \nCommissioner Mick Foley, who right before the match named Debra as the lieutenant commissioner of the WWF, made this match.\nI was pleased with this week's episode -- the best I have seen in a while. With all the events that have occurred, I do not expect a dull moment in wrestling for the next couple weeks. I hope the writers do not prove me wrong.

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