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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Survivor series this Sunday!

Kurt Angle to defend title against The Undertaker

On this episode of Monday Night Raw, matches were set for this Sunday's Survivor Series. Rather than tell you about all the events that happened, I am going to make my pre-pay-per-view predictions. I am a little tight for space this week, so I cannot cover all the matches.\nChris Jericho vs. Kane: With Kane throwing Jericho through a glass window on Raw, I expect Jericho to pull out a solid victory. I envision Jericho winning this one after knocking out Kane with the ring bell. No, I am not a psychic, I just watch too much wrestling.\nThe Rock vs. Rikishi: I have to go with The Rock on this one. Expect Rikishi to put up a great fight, but The Rock is too popular to lose this match. If Rikishi wins, the saga between the two continues. When The Rock wins, he can move on to fighting WWF Kurt Angle to get his title back.\n Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin: I expect this to be quite an interesting match. How physical of a match it is will depend on the state of Triple H's back. \n This is the one match where I would not be surprised if something big happens. Opportunities are endless. Stephanie, Shane or even Vince McMahon could make a big return on this match. Vince McMahon would love to screw Austin at Survivor Series. Being out of the loop for a while, I would not be surprised to see Vince make a triumphant return.\nWWF title match, The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle: Speaking of returns, somebody is going to need to help Angle, but I would not be surprised to see him keep his title. A very good possibility is that Stephanie's arrival would cause enough distraction for Angle to hit The Undertaker with a couple chair shots. Without outside interference, Angle will lose the title.\nThis is all the space I have for my predictions. Those silly editors think that the presidential election is more important than this column. Sooner or later a president will be elected and we can get on with what really matters, the WWF.

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