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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

McMahon returns to WWF Raw

\"No chance, 'cause that's what you got" stands for two things. It stands for IU's shot at going to the Rose Bowl, and it means WWF chairman Vince McMahon is making his way to the ring. \nOn this Monday's "Raw," Vince made his first return in quite some time to wrestling. He wasn't scheduling matches or complaining about Stone Cold, but trying to convince people to vote. \nAlthough not as exciting as watching him get bashed over the head with a chair, we all need to remember McMahon is working on the XFL. \nBefore McMahon left, he had to answer some questions, from none other than Austin. Stone Cold wanted to know if McMahon happened to be the "mastermind" behind him getting run over by a car nearly a year ago. McMahon denied this random act of violence, and WWF champion Kurt Angle made his way to the ring. He ended up getting a stunned by Austin. \nD-Generation X made a triumphant return as well. Monday was the first sign of any possible alliance between Road Dogg, Billy G., Triple H and Chyna. The one thing they all have in common is that they hate the Radicals, consisting of Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddie Guerrero. DX was set to face the Radicals in a four-on-four match. I was excited to see both of these cliques in action together. A D-Generation X return would be huge for the WWF. There might be some hope for this, because DX did get the victory with a Triple H pedigree. But Triple H did not pedigree Malenko and go home happy. Angle, without business partner Stephanie for the evening, came out and did some damage on Triple H.\nLater on "Raw," The Hardy Boys lost their titles to Right to Censor. As much as it pained me to see it happen, I realized it is to get people to dislike RTC even more. I am a prime example, because I find myself frustrated at the Hardy Boys loss. What frustrated me is that the Hardys had the match won, but the referee was not paying any attention. Matt and Jeff did get some sort of revenge later in the evening when they interfered with the table match between the Dudley Boys and Edge & Christian.\nThe time and the match for the main event had been set up for days. Nothing could go wrong. Or could it? Anything can happen in the WWF, and sure enough, it did. The Rock made his way to the ring, and was mysteriously attacked in what appeared to be a random act of violence. The Rock suffered a concussion, and was unable to even make his way out to the ring. Now it was going to be Austin vs. Rikishi and Angle. Austin seemed to be handling himself pretty well, and actually controlled the match. Triple H then came out and tossed Angle out of the ring, helping Austin's odds. There just so happened to be a sledgehammer lying in the ring, and Triple H picked it up. Then, in a surprising move, he nailed Austin in the head and told him not to trust anybody. Rikishi and Triple H then assaulted Austin, leaving the impression it was Triple H, not The Rock, who was the mastermind behind Austin getting hit by a car. \nMonday night's "Raw" was the best I've seen in months. There was tons of action, and I liked most parts of it. I am not sure how those writers do it, but I cannot wait to see them do it again.

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