Emocore; The Bishop

11:45 PM, Friday

Combining screeching minimalism with a sort of harmonious droll, Bleeding Rainbow's early sound was made for head lulling and arm flailing. Their much newer "Dead End 7' " replaces the droll with a riff and interjects a harmony that blends fantastically well with rather fatalistic lyrics. It's what I imagine the effect of their self-described 'Emocore' sound is supposed to convey (and you really don't get much more emo than destroying a helpless children's program). Regardless of "Emocore" meaning (which goes better described on the band's Tumblr as "like when you cry when you break a guitar string") the music suits a whole degree of atmospheres for the angsty collegiate. We'll be seeing all of you there at the Bishop.

Post by Brandon Cook

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