It was nice and cozy in The Bishop on Thursday at the sold out Maps & Atlases show. The crowd packed in during opening local bands Qur'an Qur'an and The Broderick. Qur'an Qur'an had a very laid-back performance and The Broderick's energetic stage presence created an enjoyable atmosphere in the venue. Very thankful for the large crowd indie band, the Broderick, put on a very satisfying performance.

Following the Broderick, headlining band Maps & Atlases took the stage to finish out the concert and made sure to play all the favorites. The band opened with "Living Decorations" and "Artichokes" both from their most recent album, Perch Patchwork. Then lead singer Dave Davison of the four-piece mentioned how happy the band was to be back in Bloomington. Their show at The Bishop was their first in roughly two months and they were very excited to be back.

Drummer Chris Hainey spent whole night wearing only socks on his feet playing a variety of percussion instruments, including a desk. During "The Charm," bassist Shiraz Dada and guitarist Erin Elders joined in on the drums while Davison continued to sing and play guitar as he does best. The band ended their set with "Solid Ground", but of course came back to do an encore for an incredibly pleased crowd. Maps & Atlases will most definitely be making their way back to Bloomington sometime soon.

Post and photography by Steph Langan

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