Attention IU students!

As one of WIUX's co-Music Directors, I feel the need to let you know that NOW is the time of year when we are recruiting new DJs for the Spring semester.

If you've ever had any desire to host your own show, or perhaps you just want to help out on one of WIUX's multiple committees, the time has arrived to join this awesome student organization. It's a great way to flex your skills, meet some sweet people, and gain some experience in a multitude of areas before striking out into the "big, scary real world."

So if you missed the call-out meeting tonight, you can head to the WIUX website, and on the front page you will find links to the DJ application (which is due by Midnight on January 25), the presentation slides from the call out meeting that outline what we're all about and the job of each committee, and our illustrious DJ handbook.

If you only want to join a committee, you don't need to fill out the application. Just find the e-mail address of the respective committee director on our contact page and shoot them an e-mail that lets them know you're interested, and they'll let you know when the first meeting will be!

For any person filling out an application, we'll be having a call back meeting next Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts building, Room 015, and it's there that you'll find out if you got a show or not and when you're time slot will be! it!

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