In case you didn't realize you missed it, the (sold out) Girl Talk show happened last Friday night at Jake's Nightclub.

I'm sure most people reading this already knows it happened, but to those who were living under a rock or who were in hibernation during the frigid temperatures last weekend, you missed a great night in Bloomington. Hearts of Darkness and Grand Buffet both opened to a crowd that was growing more and more anxious for Greg Gillis to take the stage.

When he finally came on around 1 a.m., the temperature in the building and the movement of people on the dancefloor seemed to increase more than tenfold. Like he always does (and why everyone came out that night), a party of epic proportions was going on around all sides of him as he played from the stage.

There's really not a whole lot more to be said: he came, everyone partied, and he conquered one Bloomington nightclub for the evening.

Stefania and I had a chance to talk with him briefly before the show started, and contrasting this to what he was on the stage hours later is still a very different image. For anyone wondering, he isn't shirtless and dripping with sweat hanging over a laptop all the time. He is most definitely just a normal guy who happens to love making music for people to groove to.

Very very soon we'll have some video up from the interview (I happen to be working on editing it as I type this), but until then, if you missed experiencing this, you missed probably one of the greatest Bloomington events of the semester. And if you were there...didn't that kick ass?!

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