Name: Jason Evans Groth

Age: 30

Job: Meetings Department, Organization of American Historians; Music-related jobs:Magnolia Electric Co.,The Coke Dares,Whippoorwill, Indiana Beach, The Cinnamon Girls, Le May

Show you're most excited to see this semester: Hmm...

Favorite live show Bloomington experience: I can't pick just one, so here are a few, and I was luck enough to be on stage for some of them (that counts, right?) : My Morning Jacket at Second Story, Bob Log III at Second Story, Grand Buffet at the State House, Bruce Cougar Mellenstein (Prizzy Prizzy Please + Michael Hodges) playing "Born to Run" at the Boxcar prom this year, LeMay at the Boxcar prom this year, King Chakra in 2004, The Impossible Shapes as Television in 2001, and the time I busted my head open playing in a basement with John Wilkes Booze (just because people were so nice and got my blood all over them and they didn't care). A million others, too.

Favorite thing about fall: Chili. Oh, and it's not summer anymore. Also, it's the best season of the year.

Favorite pizza in town: It's a tie: Aver's Cuban Black Bean (extra well done) and Rockitt's, cheese and broccoli.

Sesame street character you can relate to the most: Fozzy? I have a lot of hair.

Celebrity crush: I would be a liar if I didn't say Kirsten Dunst. But, really, I love them all.

Jason's band, Cinammon Girls, are playing tonight at Bear's with Bowery Blue Boy.

Past q&as:

Publicist extroardinaire, Lucy Robinson

DJ/Tech wiz Tim Zawada

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