Race day is now upon us and as I look out the window it's not raining at the moment. It rained hard last night, so hopefully today will be rain free. The forecast still calls for rain today and tomorrow, so we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

Starting with the women's race I thought I'd help get some discussion going by breaking down the teams and how I view their chances in the race. So here we go:


Top tier: Teter

Next in line: Kappa Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta

Slightly below: Wing It, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta

Potential sleepers: Delta Sigma Pi, Cycledelics, Delta Zeta


Top Tier: Cutters, Dodds House, Black Key Bulls, Phi Psi

Slightly Below: Acacia, Team Major Taylor, Phi Delts

Next in line: Sammies, Delta Upsilon, FIJI

Potential sleepers: Ride DMC, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Sigma Pi

These are just my thoughts based on spring series results and observations. A little bit (or a lot) of rain or a few wrecks on race day can throw the whole thing for a loop. Let's hear your thoughts. What does your breakdown look like? Where did I get it wrong?

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