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Sunday, March 2
The Indiana Daily Student

IDS Connect newsroom awards

IDS wins two ACP Pacemaker awards, Cohen awarded Reporter of the Year

Matt Cohen.png

Last month, the Indiana Daily Student was given more than 30 awards at the virtual Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Association Fall National College Media Convention.  

With special recognition, the IDS won the Pacemaker award for the second year in a row. This award is ACP’s preeminent national award that recognizes overall excellence in both online and newspaper categories. In addition to this, the IDS was awarded Best College Media Outlet of the Year in the CMA Pinnacle Award.  

Senior Matt Cohen was named Reporter of the Year by the ACP. This award is based on a portfolio submission of three writing samples, including a news story, feature story and an additional piece of your choice published during the 2020-21 school year.  

“I can’t ever thank the IDS enough,” Cohen said. “They’ve all helped me grow so much as a reporter and I wouldn’t have been able to achieve a huge honor like this one without everyone else who has guided and taught me over the years.” 

With one semester left till graduation, Cohen said his sights are set on working at a newspaper on a news or enterprise desk for his career.  

“It is an incredible feeling after all the hard work and late nights I spent and continue to spend on my writing and reporting,” Cohen said.  

Associated Collegiate Press individual awards  

In-Depth News Story  

2nd place: Emily Isaacman | “A concerning pattern

Ernie Pyle Human Interest Profile (sponsored by the Ernie Pyle Legacy Foundation and Scripps Howard) 

3rd place: Madison Smalstig | “Steven Moore almost died

Newspaper Page/Spread  

2nd place: Annie Aguiar | “Should you adopt a pet?” 

4th place: Tristan Jackson | “IU beats Penn State


COVID-19 Coverage Online: News or Features  

3rd place: Matt Cohen, Colin Kulpa and Vivek Rao | “IU’s great big COVID-19 experiment: How one of the nation’s largest universities kept its doors open through spiking cases and daily uncertainty” 

Honorable mention: Matt Cohen | “It was worth the risks


Newspaper Special Section/Advertising  

3rd place: Staff | “Orienter


Feature Story 

4th place: Peter Talbot | “Test of survival: A young woman wrestles with drugs, life and a year on the edge


News/Breaking News Photo 

5th place: Alex Deryn | “Indianapolis shooting vigil


Rate Card 

5th place: Staff | Rate Card 

Diversity Story  

Honorable mention: Lilly St. Angelo | “What wasn’t said: How racism shaped one IU student’s college experience

Sports Game/Action photo 

Honorable mention: Ethan Levy | “Wrestle for the ball” 

Newspaper Front Page 

Honorable mention: Annie Aguiar | “Sept. 10, 2020


Informational Graphic 

Honorable mention: Vivek Rao and Cason TerBush | “S for Success


Multimedia Feature Story 

Honorable mention: Ty Vinson, Abbie Gressley and Carson TerBush | “Making change loudly: Local tattoo artist fights to create space for Black people in Bloomington

Interactive Graphic 

Honorable Mention: Vivek Rao and Carson TerBush | “The president’s speeches: Looking back on McRobbie’s tenure by analyzing his words


ACP/CMA Convention Best of Show  

The IDS placed in the following categories: 

  • Second place, Advertising Special Newspaper Section 

  • Third place, Digital Newsletter 

  • Fifth place, Advertising Rate Card 

  • Ninth place, Newspaper 


Advertising Design 

2nd place: Hayley Skrezyna |“Evil by the Needle” 

Social Justice Reporting 

3rd place: Phyllis Cha | “I’m sure I will experience this again: IU students recount experiences of anti-Asian racism” 


5th place: Colin Kulpa, Patrick Felts, Evan Gerike and Bradley Hohulin | “Reach for the Pod

Multimedia News/Feature Presentation  

8th place: Mallorey Daunhauer | “An Inside Look at the 2021 Kiwanis Indiana Balloon Fest

Print Design  

9th place: Abby Carmichael | “Are you tailgate-ready?” 


College Media Association Pinnacle Awards 

The IDS received an honorable mention for Best Diversity Coverage of the Year


Best Sports Feature 

1st place: Caleb Coffman | “The General’s Shadow

Best Online Ad 

1st place: Erika Armstrong | “Liberal Arts and Management Program” 

Best Rate Card/Media Kit 

1st place: Staff | Rate Card/Media Kit 

Best Newspaper Front Page 

2nd place: Annie Aguiar | “Sept. 10, 2020” 

Best Ad Supplement/Special Section 

2nd place: Staff | “Orienter“ 

Best Investigative Story  

3rd place: Emily Isaacman | “A concerning pattern” 

Best Newspaper/Feature Page Spread  

3rd place: Annie Aguiar | “Should you adopt a pet?” 

Best Display Ad 

3rd place: Erika Armstrong | “Little 500” 

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