In college you will be doing a lot of studying, so it is important to find places that help you concentrate and get the work done. Finding productive environments in college is important to academic success. While some people find it helpful to be in a busy environment and have lots of background noise, others can only focus in silence.
Many students opt to study in their dorm rooms, but oftentimes it becomes very difficult to focus there surrounded by distractions. This is why it is important to have a few great study spots around campus in mind.
If you like private, quiet spaces…
Whether it’s a huge place like Herman B Wells Library or the smaller Residential Programming and Services libraries located in the residence halls, there are many options for students who want to study in libraries.
Wells offers many different types of study environments such as a commons with work tables, a quiet floor and individual rooms that can be booked ahead of time. But unfortunately it is often crowded, especially around finals and midterms, so using smaller libraries can be easier and more convenient.
Each residence hall has a small RPS library, but oftentimes they go unnoticed because they’re tucked away. They are open from 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. every day, so they are great places to go if you need to get some work done late at night without having to leave the residence hall. Plus they have a large selection of movies, board and video gamesand books if you need to take a study break.
If students are looking for a place with more privacy or room to spread out, most specific department buildings on campus have their own libraries with vast amounts of resources and study spots, so there is no shortage of places to work.
If you like busy environments…
If being in a busy environment helps boost productivity, there are spaces around campus where that is an option. Whether it is the lobby of an academic building or a dining hall, there are many locations to choose from.
Two of the most popular places on campus are the Starbucks and South Lounge in the Indiana Memorial Union, where there is a constant flow of students and faculty passing through to get coffee or head to meetings.
The Global and International Studies building has a brightly lit study space surrounded by windows. This can be useful whether students need to work with a group or focus on their own work.
If you like being out in nature…
During the spring when the weather gets warmer, places like the Arboretum and Dunn Meadow are populated with students sitting on blankets or in hammocks getting their work done.
If students are looking to buy hammocks or other outdoor gear for their studying needs, they can visit the Indiana University Outdoor Adventures store in Eigenmann Hall. It is open on from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
There is additional outdoor seating with chairs and tables in multiple places around campus, such as outside Wells Library, the upper deck of Goodbody Hall and outside of Union Street Center.
Whether you’re cramming for an exam or diligently working ahead, having a comfortable space to work can make all the difference.