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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student

opinion letters

Stop Senate Bill 340

I was incredibly impressed by the author comparing statistics regarding women’s health in Texas to Indiana in the article published on April 9, 2018, “Planned Parenthood needs federal support.” 

This is something that should be of concern for those living in Indiana. In March of 2017 Mike Pence signed a law which would prohibit women from aborting a fetus that had a diagnosis or a potential diagnosis of a disability. 

Decisions women make about their body should be left up to their discretion, and the government should not be able to intervene. 

Governor Eric Holcomb recently signed Senate Bill 340 making informational reports about patients and their health to be sent to the government for data. 

These reports can include information from women’s reproductive health records. I would like to invite fellow readers to join in on calling policymakers and our Indiana government about overturning Senate Bill 340 and working to privatize information about patient’s health. 

Women should be able to make their own decisions regarding their bodies and keep that information private.


Natalie Ferguson

IU Student

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