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Sunday, Sept. 1
The Indiana Daily Student

IU College Democrats discuss Donald Trump's campaign


After discussing what Donald Trump’s campaign means for the Republican Party and for the country, Hannah Miller, president of the College Democrats at IU, announced it was time to do what they had been waiting for — play Pin the Toupee on the Donald.

After blindfolding players, members of the executive board gave attendees a bright orange wig.

They then spun them around, pointing them in the direction of a fish-puckering poster of Trump. Members then walked forward attempting to stick the wig closest to the top of Trump’s head.

The College Democrats at IU hosted Trumpapalooza Wednesday for students who wanted to learn more about Trump’s campaign, play Trump-themed games or make fun of him.

“We decided to do this because it’s a little ridiculous that Donald Trump is running,” Miller said. “The fact that he can run is ridiculous. The reason we did this is to kind of make fun and shed light on why it’s not OK.”

As attendees walked into Ballantine 144, they grabbed a Baked! of Bloomington cookie, found a seat and looked around at the room decorated with a Donald Trump poster and a slideshow beginning with the quote “Make America Hate Again!”

They then settled in to take Trump-themed quizzes and watch Trump-themed videos.

The quizzes gave specific quotes and members had to guess if Trump or another famous character, including Lucille Blath or James Bond villains, said the quotes.

Once the quizzes were taken, laughter began to fill the room as members began to watch Trump-themed videos, including “Saturday Night Live” skits, speeches Trump has made and speeches others have made regarding Trump.

After the jokes were made, Kegan Ferguson, vice president, said it was time to talk seriously. Ferguson discussed Trump and what his campaign means for both Republicans and 

“It’s really weird to think about how just much of a lead Donald Trump has actually taken in the opening primary,” Ferguson said.

Ferguson went on to talk about how Trump appeals to the lower and middle class, despite his growing up wealthy.

“He communicates with them very well,” Ferguson said. “He resonates with them which is kind of why he’s soaring.”

Ferguson then discussed what Trump means for the Republican Party.

He said Trump has sucked the air out of the primary, leaving no room for any other candidates to discuss their own message.

“He’s driving the agenda, he’s driving the dialogue,” Ferguson said. “He has all the media appearances. He’s the reason all of us watched the debate. I mean, this guy is really magnetic.”

Some attendees said they felt it is important to learn more about Trump’s campaign and what it means for both parties.

IU College Democrat member Richard Taylor said it was important for both Democrats and Republicans to learn since he is the only person currently in the spotlight.

“People don’t pay enough attention to the context,” Taylor said. “It’s important for us to talk about it and recognize issues, as he is a potential candidate for the Republican ticket. It started as a joke but became very serious. We have to prepare as a group and as a party.”

Member Chelsea Snedden agreed. She added that Trump’s campaign feels like a joke.

“He just feels like a ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit waiting to happen,” Snedden said. “It’s what I see — a joke.”

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