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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

Dismal day as students hear of death


Assassins bullets fatal to President


DALLAS (AP)-Lee Harvey Oswald, a 24-year-old dishonorably discharged Marine, was charged with the murder of President Kennedy shortly before midnight, some 10 hours after he had been arrested on another charge-of slaying a policeman.

President Kennedy's funeral will be Monday at St. Matthews Roman Catholic Cathedral, the White House announced Friday night.

Dismal day as students hear of death


The word spread quickly around the campus.

A boy dashed into the Junior Division office at 1:30 p.m. Friday.

"The President's dead! He's been shot! I just heard it on my car radio," he said.

On the eighth floor of Ballantine Hall, an economics professor talked to one of his students.

"You can miss class if you wish. I just can't lecture today," he said.

He gave the student his exam paper from the last hourly. His hands shook.

A group of students walked out of a classroom where they'd been taking an hourly.

"The President's been shot!" was the first word that greeted them.

A girl cried.

In the Chemistry Building students walked out of classes with white faces, drawn tight. Many were trembling. Hundreds of students crowded into The Daily Student office and other public points around the campus to hear the latest bulletins on the radio.

Everywhere you walked on campus yesterday, you heard radios blaring.

Many classes were called off. As word the President was dead was broadcast on the radios at 2:38 p.m. Friday, tears welled up in the eyes of many girls.

The chairman or one department looked at his secretary and just nodded his head.

She buried her head in a cleansing 'tissue and wept.

The body of the President, slain by an assassin in Dallas, Texas, yesterday noon will lie in response at the White House today and will lie in state in the rotunda of the Capitol on Sunday and Monday.

The President's body will be taken a couple of miles to the cathedral at 11 a.m. Monday. There, Richard Cardinal Cushing, archbishop of Boston and close friend of the Kennedy family, will celebrate a Pontifical Requiem Mass at noon.

Burial site unknown.

Acting-White House press secretary Andrew T. Hatcher said he did not know where Kennedy will be buried.

-A hidden gunman assassinated President Kennedy with a high-powered rifle Friday.

Three shots reverberated. Blood sprang from the President's face. He fell face downward in the back seat of his car. His wife clutched his head and tried to lift it, crying, "Oh, No!"

Half an hour later at 1 p.m., John F. Kennedy was dead and the United States had a new president, Lyndon B. Johnson.

Suspects arrested.

Within the hour, police had arrested a 24-year-old man following the killing of a Dallas policeman. Homicide Capt. Will Fritz said Friday night witnesses had identified the man as the slayer of the policeman.

Fritz said it had not been established that the man killed the President - but it had been established that he was in the building from which the shots were fired at the time of the assassination.

Russian citizenship.

He is Harvey Lee Oswald of Fort Worth, who four years ago said he was applying for Russian citizenship. He has a Russian wife.

Capt. Fritz said Oswald was a member of an organization known as "Fair Play for Cuba."

Oswald denied that he had shot anybody. The assassination occurred just as the President's motorcade was leaving downtown Dallas at the end of the triumphal tour through the city's streets.

Shot near underpass.

His special car-with the protective bubble down-was moving down an incline into an underpass that leads to a freeway route to the Dallas Trade Mart, where he was to speak.

Witnesses heard three shots. Doctors were not certain whether the President was struck by one or two bullets. He had wounds in the neck and head which could have been caused by one bullet.

The third shot wounded Gov. John B. Connally of Texas in the side but his condition was reported not critical.

As the gunfire rang in the street, a reporter in the caravan screamed, "My God, they're shooting at the President."

Rifle barrel spotted.

Bob Jackson, a Dallas Times Herald photographer, said he looked around as he heard the shots and saw the rifle barrel disappearing into the upper floor window of a building overlooking the overpass. He did not see the gunman.

The motorcade slowed and then sped forward at breakneck speed to Parkland Hospital near the Trade Mart.

Onlookers, terrified at the sight and sound of the assassination, dived face forward for protection onto a grassy park at the entrance of the underpass, fearing more shots. Police swarmed into the scene.

Secret Service men helped Mrs. Kennedy away from the car. Hospital attendants aided Gov. Connally and his wife.

Assassin's gun found.

It seemed clear that the assassination was carefully planned. In the Texas school book depository building, overlooking the overpass officers found the rifle. They described it as a bolt-action, 6.5 mm weapon, apparently of Italian make, with a telescopic sight.

Along with the rifle, partly hidden behind books on the fifth floor of the six-story building, were spent cartridges and scraps of fried chicken. The bullets had come from a 45-degree angle as the presidential car passed the building, which has a clear view of the underpass.

President Kennedy lived barely half an hour after the bullet struck his head. The dying chief executive never regained consciousness as some eight to ten doctors waged a frantic but futile campaign to save his life.

Blood transfusions and draughts of oxygen were administered. Then came an anesthetic that preceded an emergency trachaeotomy - a procedure in which a surgeon cut a hole in the President's windpipe with the hope of easing labored breathing. Within a few minutes, however, all hope was gone.

President Kennedy's heart action failed and, in the words of Dr. Malcolm Perry, "There was no palpable pulse beat."

President Kennedy and his wife had flown to Texas Thursday for a speaking tour of major cities. They had toured San Antonio, Houston and Fort Worth before flying to Dallas.

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