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Thursday, Dec. 12
The Indiana Daily Student

City Ghost Dance to be held Monday in Third Street Park


City 'Ghost Dance' To Be Held Monday In Third Street Park

A bigger and better community Halloween party, almost as big as the affectionate heart of R. H. Knecht, county recreational director, who has planned the city's annual frolics for the last few years, was being molded Tuesday into its final jamboree stage scheduled for 7:30 o'clock, Monday night.

This year, for the first time, the party will be held away from busy business areas and streets, in the Third Street park, south of Third street between Lincoln and Washington streets.

Guitar and accordian solos will he offered for the entertainment of an estimated carnival crowd of 5,000; and prizes will be awarded for the most original costumes for the best costume imitations of famous people and for the youngest and oldest Hallowe'en paraders.

Arlington grade school pupils also will present a play entitled, "Mother Goose's Nightmare." Lincoln street will be roped off for st street dancing which is to follow the preliminary program, and at 10:30 p.m. the program of the third annual city-wide Hallowe'en celebration officially will end.

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