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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student

No one cares about local politics

Because of unfiled ?paperwork, there will be no Republican candidate for Monroe Circuit Judge, Division 4 this November. Incumbent Judge Elizabeth Cure will run unopposed.

Who cares?

What this really turns out to be is another example of how mind-numbingly boring local politics are.

If you’re a good citizen, you get out of bed that Tuesday in early November, go down to your local precinct and do your democratic duty by voting.

And the big names are easy.

You’ve got a strong ?opinion on the president, senators and representatives. You probably even care about the governor and maybe a couple other big-news battles.

When you get past those, it’s the dark parts of the political jungle. Undiscovered territory.

Quick, what’s the difference between the county assessor and surveyor? Do you know how many circuit court divisions there are? What in the world do the commissioners do, and why are there three of them?

Of course, you should know who you’re electing into office. The blame in democracy falls on the citizens for picking bad ?leaders.

And if you want to be a good part of your ?community, you should know who’s running it.

But even if you consider yourself politically informed, it can be tough to keep up with all the small positions.

They don’t offer the ?political action that the ?federal government does.

They aren’t launching wars or covering up massive spying operations or figuring out if gay people can get married. It’s hard to appreciate what they do because we don’t see a lot of it. That doesn’t mean their jobs aren’t ?important, but it does make them seem less interesting.

We should probably care more when local politicians can’t run.

But as long as local ?politics are so boring, that will be pretty tough.

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