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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Bills to watch

S.B. 197: Higher education funding

The bill would bring representatives of 15 state campuses into the process for determining public university funding for the 2015-2017 budget.

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education makes recommendations to the state legislature and governor for state school funding every other year.

The recommendations are typically based on a formula determined by the commission and requests from university administrators.

If this bill passes, a majority of campus representatives would need to approve of the funding model by the end of the year in order for the commission to recommend it to the state.

The universities to be included are all IU and Purdue University campuses, Ball State University, Indiana State University, University of Southern Indiana and Ivy Tech Community College.

Status: Referred to the Senate Committee on Education and Career Development after first reading.

Sponsor: Sen. Dennis Kruse, R-Auburn

H.B. 1105: Welfare benefits

This pushes the state toward two changes to government assistance programs that could limit their flexibility.

The bill calls for the state Division of Family Resources to develop a pilot program requiring some recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly called food stamps, to purchase only food and drinks deemed highly nutritious by the state with their benefits.

A successful pilot program could lead to broader adoption of the rules in Indiana.

It also would require a photo ID to spend any money from government benefits beginning July 1, except for those 65 years or older.

Status: Referred to the House Committee on Family, Children and Human Affairs after first reading.

Sponsor: Rep. Cindy Ziemke, R-Batesville

Follow reporter Michael Auslen on Twitter @michaelauslen

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