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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Indiana Mayors announce opposing views to HJR-6

Various mayors across Indiana are voicing their opposition to House Joint Resolution 6, according to a press release sent Tuesday from Freedom Indiana.

HJR 6, a proposed amendment to the Indiana constitution, would define marriage as between one man and one woman and would remove existing protections for same-sex and unmarried couples.

“We’re proud to stand with these mayors from across our state as champions of freedom for all Hoosiers,” Megan Robertson, Freedom Indiana campaign manager, said in the release.

She said the mayors realize the negative consequences to passing HJR-6.

“They represent cities large and small, and they understand that this amendment will make it harder for them to build their local economies, recruit new residents and maintain existing protections for same-sex and unmarried couples,” she said.

Mayors supporting Freedom Indiana's campaign include Bloomington Mayor Mark Kruzan, Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry and Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard.

“Bloomington benefits economically because it’s a welcoming community in which people want to live, visit and grow a business,” Kruzan said in the release. “HJR 6, in addition to being an unnecessary infringement of basic rights, threatens the business-friendly reputation of Indiana cities.”

— Matt Stefanski

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