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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


City council passes marriage equality resolution

Bloomington City Council members passed a marriage equality resolution opposing a proposed Indiana constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage during a council meeting at City Hall Wednesday night.

Resolution 13-15, originally brought forward by Democrat council members Susan Sandberg, Tim Mayer and Darryl Neher, was presented at the meeting illustrating the detriment of House Joint Resolution 6, which would put a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and restrict benefits for same-sex couples on the ballot during the next election cycle.

All council members in attendance voted in favor of the resolution.

Many community members present at the meeting also voiced their concern for the repercussions of HJR 6 as well as their support for the city’s resolution. No one in attendance demonstrated an opposition.

The Council will have the resolution sent by City Clerk Regina Moore to the Indiana General Assembly in order to clarify Bloomington’s opposition of HJR 6.

“HJR 6 purports to define legal marriage as between one man and one woman,” according to the resolution. “This subjects same-sex couples to unequal treatment.

While HJR 6 would prohibit civil unions, it may also impair the ability of unmarried couples to enter into legal agreements and may threaten the ability of the City of Bloomington and other employers to extend domestic partner benefits to

HJR 6 has been an ongoing debate throughout the state for the last several months and is expected to be voted on by state lawmakers in the upcoming legislative session.

Mayer classified the rules and regulations of HJR 6 as “discriminatory” and “dangerously unclear.”

“I think it’s pure politics in the purest form. It’s very mean-spirited,” Mayer said. “I’m a firm believer that government should not meddle in peoples’ personal lives.”

In addition to the City Council, other organizations have also voiced their opinion against HJR 6, including IU, Butler University and Ball State University.

“Every community that makes their voice heard helps put a barrier against HJR 6,” Neher said. “It’s not too late for voices to be heard. It takes the effort of the entire city for Bloomington to be heard,” Neher said.

Sandberg said retirees might look to other states that recognize same-sex marriage, potentially creating a loss for Bloomington as well as the rest of the state.

Sandberg also said HJR 6 would also void same-sex marriages from other states for people who may move to Indiana.

“This is the right thing to do at the right time in our history,” Sandberg said. “We need to keep the ball rolling. This would be a huge loss.”

Dave Rollo, district IV council member, said he is hopeful the legalization of same-sex marriage will eventually come to Indiana, whether it is sooner or later.

“This will take awhile,” Rollo said. “Unfortunately, it may take longer for Indiana than other states.”

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