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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Ritz files suit against education board

Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz filed suit against 10 members of the State Board of Education Tuesday for violations of the state Open Door Law.

The lawsuit alleges members of the board violated Indiana’s Open Door Law by taking action in secret by drafting, or directing the drafting of, a letter they sent to President Pro Tempore David Long and Speaker Brian Bosma dated Oct. 16, 2013, according to a press release from the Indiana Department of Education.

The lawsuit alleges board members violated Indiana’s Open Door Law when they took action requesting Long and Bosma appoint Indiana’s Legislative Services Agency to perform calculations to determine the 2012-2013 A-F grades for Indiana schools. The suit also states no public notice was issued for a meeting that allowed for the action, and Ritz was not aware of the action until after it was taken, according to the release.

“When I was sworn in to office, I took an oath to uphold the laws of the State of Indiana,” Ritz said in a press release. “I take this oath very seriously and I was dismayed to learn that other members of the State Board have not complied with the requirements of the law. While I respect the commitment and expertise of members of the board individually, I feel they have over-stepped their bounds.”

The case was filed in Marion Circuit Court Tuesday. The IDOE is using in-house counsel for the suit.

“Since my inauguration, I have worked tirelessly to communicate openly with the Board and the public,” Ritz said in the release. “I do not take this action lightly, but my obligations as elected state Superintendent require it. I look forward to continuing to work to improve education for all Indiana students in a fair, transparent and collaborative manner.”

— Matt Stefanski

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