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Saturday, Aug. 31
The Indiana Daily Student


Childs named Blue Ribbon School for second time

Childs Elementary School has been named a National Blue Ribbon School by the Department of Education for a second time.

“Obviously, we’re very excited to be awarded at the national level,” Childs Principal Chris Finley said.

The National Blue Ribbon School’s award honors elementary, middle and high schools where students perform at high levels or show significant improvement in achievement, a Monroe County Community School Corporation press release said.

The award has been presented for the past 31 years, with almost 7,500 schools being recognized. This year, Childs was one of 286 schools honored across the nation, and one of 12 in Indiana.

MCCSC Superintendent Judith DeMuth congratulated Childs on the achievement.
“We salute the Childs Elementary faculty and staff on being renamed a Blue Ribbon School,” DeMuth said in the press release. “Congratulations to each and every one of you along with our students and parents for your continued hard work to ensure excellence in teaching, learning and student performance.”

The Blue Ribbon awards are given out every five years. Childs received its first award in 2007.

“It’s based on the last five years of achievement data,” Finley said.

Finley said the Department of Education first selected Childs as a candidate. After being nominated, the school filled out an application explaining their methods and achievements. The selection process ended with Childs being chosen as a Blue Ribbon school.

“The fact that for the past decade we’ve been a Blue Ribbon school is a testament to the hard work of our teachers and students,” Finley said. “We just keep doing what we’re doing, keep on that course. We have a veteran staff and a super community that really values education.”

The Blue Ribbon award is given out for excellence in performance, but Finley said he thinks a few distinct factors helped Childs receive the award.

“We have a very low faculty turnover,” he said. “And what we do with our literacy program is special. We teach problem solving for learning across the curriculum. When it comes down to it, our kids are great test takers because they can read and figure out any problem.”

While Childs is the only school in MCCSC to achieve the award, Finley said he believes more schools in the district could win in coming years.

“We have great teachers throughout our district,” he said. “I think everyone could achieve this.”

The Blue Ribbon schools will be recognized at a ceremony Nov. 18-19 in Washington, D.C. Finley said Childs is already looking to five years down the road.
“Winning the next award is certainly our goal,” he said. “That’s what we’ll keep going for.”

— Stephen Kroll

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