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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

We've got a good thing

I Would Die 4 U

Justin Bieber is following up on the sweet, creamy, melt-in-your-mouth “Boyfriend” with his latest single, “Die In Your Arms.”

Do not be fooled by the title, folks. The rather solemn title does not mean his newest radio diamond has traversed into the world of adult maturity, despite his recent ball-droppage.

No, “Die In Your Arms,” rather than being the sexy-sad R&B ballad I anticipated, is a tangy summer anthem, full of the sunny, breezy pop appeal we’ll get with the rest of the season.

Brimming with “Mmhmms” and “Aww yeahs,” the single is gleefully unoriginal. But Bieber is good at what he does. Reminiscent of “Baby,” “Die In Your Arms” is the ghost of Bieber past, greeted like an old friend. Whether you’re listening on a train, bike or in a yellow convertible with the top down, this track will put a smile on your face with its glittering and candy-sweet tunes.

I vouch for this track, perhaps because my expectations were lowered after the “Boyfriend” music video, but if you’ve got a pop-savvy ear, you’ll find that Biebs absolutely did not fail to give the people what they wanted.

By Francisco Tirado

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