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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Shining diamond

Marina Diamandis has cultivated in her album “Electra Heart” an anthemic testament to 1970s Americana pop, sporting songs sweet as candy and belting operetta that is truly unlike anything you’ve ever heard.

Challenging the world of contemporary pop, Marina assumes several different personalities in her album. From Madonna-like bubblegum beats in “Primadonna” to booming orchestral flourishes reminiscent of Florence and The Machine in “Buy The Stars,” the compilation truly never stops.

It’s hard to come by an album these days that doesn’t lose momentum at least once or twice, but “Electra Heart” carries all the way through, even when you splurge on the bonus tracks.

Heartbreaking ballads like “Lies” showcase her musical training, whereas in-your-face electric femme track “Homewrecker” shows off what else Marina has to offer.

This album is a delightful mix of crude, angry subject matter with a soft and sweet feminine touch.

By Francisco Tirado

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