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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Braving the wilds of post-college life

Into the Wild

College grads especially have both reasons to watch and not watch “Into the Wild.”

The book-to-film adaptation of a true story by Jon Krakauer is not only a beautiful representation of man-and-nature themes, but it unfolds a tragically resonant metaphor for graduating students.

Dealing with change — whether manifested in a graduation cap or a trek into a wild world free of money, corporations, obligations and jobs — is challenging.

We need inspiration to meet such challenges. The story of Chris McCandless, who graduates and goes out into the Alaskan wilderness under his hitchhiking alias “Alexander Supertramp,” tells a story of fighting, loss and true independence.

The film is not only a lesson to be learned from McCandless’ shortcomings but (quite arguably) an example of self-assurance we should all aspire to.

Because it is based on a true story, complications between reality and the romanticization of what happened to Chris can be insensitive, jarring and reductive of the complexity of a post-undergrad adventurer.

The story itself, however, is worth watching for anyone who isn’t quite ready to leave home and journey into the wild of life outside college.

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