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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Post-punk no more


I love Brit post-punk movements. It’s one of my favorite genres, and the Futureheads have always satisfied my thirst for something saucy and head-bopping.

To me, post-punk revival should make you want to scream and kick the ground with combat boots, which the Futureheads did when they were among the ranks of bands such as the Kooks and the Libertines.

“Rant,” however, is a flop. The album is an exploration of the band’s interest in a capella (that’s right, a capella), and the compilation is a series of covers and old material they’ve “revived” with the wonders of the human voice. Post-punk, no more.
Covering the Black Eyed Peas and traditional drinking songs such as “Old Dun Cow,” the whole of the work is a mess.

Coming from a vocal standpoint, I cannot even vouch for the quality of the a capella itself, as the Futureheads’ harmonies were simple, unmotivated and dreadfully ordinary.

I don’t recommend this for post-punk lovers or a capella fanatics alike. Futureheads, please go back to your roots.

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