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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Dumb luck

The Lucky One

The newest of Nicholas Sparks’ book-to-film romances tells the story of a war veteran (Zac Efron) who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

He leaves his home to find the woman (Taylor Schilling), who owns a dog kennel, depicted in a photograph he found and whom he believes is his guardian angel.

If, in reading that synopsis, you can suspend your sense of reality enough to enjoy a movie based on an absurd premise, I recommend it.

“The Lucky One” accomplished something I have never seen successfully done in a chick flick: moving at a fast pace.

Plot developments came at lightning speed, grazing over melodrama and never dumbing down for the viewer.

For a feel-good film, this movie had everything from hot, wet kisses to a cute dog sidekick and endless frames of Zac Efron’s ever-moist baby blues.

Irresponsible writing poked through, though, as the PTSD plot was carelessly dropped. The most engrossing character was the kooky grandma, and a poorly executed twist left the audience unfulfilled and dumbstruck.

To be frank, if the movie didn’t have so many puppies, it would have been a complete loss.

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