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Monday, June 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Giamatti wins here and he wins there

Win Win

Appearing in movies such as “Saving Private Ryan,” “Big Fat Liar” and “The Illusionist” throughout the last two decades, Paul Giamatti has strung together a rather eclectic résumé.

Often cast in a supporting role, the workman-like actor gets the leading-man nod in “Win Win” as Mike Flaherty, a small-town lawyer and high school wrestling coach.
His coaching job pays exactly zero (also as many wins as his team has), and his caseload has been dwindling lately. When Leo, a dementia patient in need of a legal guardian, walks in the door, Mike has no choice but to collect the monthly $1,508 check that comes with him.

Mike proves to be a pretty lousy guardian, but when Leo’s grandson, Kyle — who just so happens to be a kick-ass wrestler — shows up, Mike’s true colors start to come out.
Giamatti, the consummate professional, carries the brunt of the load in “Win Win,” but Alex Shaffer as Kyle gives an unexpectedly great performance as well.

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