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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Lyfe Jennings still believes


Lyfe Jennings has decided to exit the music industry, but he hasn’t done it before giving his fans one last gift with “I Still Believe.”

The essence of what R&B music should be, but sadly has ceased to be, is captured on his 13-track finale. Fans of Jennings can expect his typical mature and laid-back style. Those new to Jennings should be prepared for a journey through a man’s seasoned thoughts and strife.

This is album is not about sexual content but more about the inner workings of the relationship between a man and woman. The album flows well from one track to the next, allowing the listener to dive deep into Jennings’ mind. The track, “I Still Believe,” is simply amazing.

If anything negative could be said about this album, it is the fact that it will be Jennings’s last. The peaceful calm this music brought when I first heard it cannot be easily duplicated. Lyfe Jennings at least leaves with a reminder to all what the R&B genre is really about.

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