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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student

Top 10 ways to stay safe during Little 500

1 — Buddy up with a friend you are accountable for and who will be accountable for you.

2 — Have a specific game plan with reliable people for getting around and getting home.

3 — Have a designated sober driver and monitor.

4 — Avoid going to locations where you are not in control of leaving.

5 — Keep your phone on and fully charged, and have numbers for taxi services, campus escorts and IUPD in your contacts list.

6 — Do not accept drinks from people you do not know, and limit the number of drinks you consume.

7 — If you see someone being disrespectful or abusive to a woman, do not simply look the other way. Intervene in ways that are safe and productive by informing an authority figure.

8 — Make your presence known when you see a man “feel up” a woman inappropriately at a party.

9 — Protect yourself by drinking in moderation, keeping an eye on your beverage, staying close to people you trust and designating a friend who will stay sober.

10 — Make sure consent is defined and received. Remind your friends that consent cannot be given if the other person is drunk.

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