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Sunday, Sept. 1
The Indiana Daily Student

sports football

Students adjust to new tailgating rules

Tensions rose as tailgaters were told to evacuate the Hoosier Village ten minutes prior to Friday’s kick-off.

Although tailgaters were permitted to leave their cars in the Hoosier Village during the game, numerous vehicles were driven away when people were asked to vacate the premises. 

“We pay for the spot. We shouldn’t have to go to the game if we don’t want to,” senior Chris Lampa said. “Leaving only promotes drunk driving.”

An estimated 49 citations and arrests were made from about 3:30 to 11 p.m., IU Police Department Sgt. Shannon Ramey said.

While there were no big uprisings, some arguments did spark when security asked tailgaters to leave.

A crowd gathered around one male student who was pleading on his knees with IUPD officer Brian Oliger. The student was allegedly harassing and physically pushing one of the workers picking up cans with a garbage bag and clamp.

Another man was arrested after being caught allegedly smoking marijuana and another two were cited for allegedly urinating in public.

In both instances, police were about 10 feet away from suspects.

One person was sent to the hospital after a fight broke out, Ramey said.

However, the new procedure to clear out The Hoosier Village worked well, IUPD Capt. Jerry Minger said. People seemed to cooperate well, and many tailgaters crossed 17th Street to see the game, he said.

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