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Saturday, May 18
The Indiana Daily Student

Exercise during free time, healthy eating habits can be beneficial during exams

The smell of peppermint fills the winter air.

Holiday break is almost here.

Finals and home-cooked food are drawing near.

Fit for finals? No sweat, no fear.

With the stress of finals, eating routines often do not contain the healthiest of choices. Heidi Titus, registered dietician for Residential Programs and Services recommends increasing serotonin, which is a “happy hormone,” by eating protein and carbohydrates.

“I’ll probably get stressed out, but I’m not going to eat more,” said freshman Tanner Nassau. “I’ll try to stick to my usual eating routine.”

Titus said many people claim certain foods will increase blood flow and memory.

“That’s an old wives’ tale,” he said. “There is no ‘miracle food.’”

While most students are frazzled during finals, some students are planning to stay fit.

“I’m training for a marathon, so I’m doing more running than a lot of other people,” said sophomore Alex Drudge. “In training for our marathon, mainly my roommates and I run two times a week, for, like, two to three miles, and on the weekend we’ll run longer distances and progressively increase those distances.”

Lifting weights, going for a run and exercising, along with healthy eating, helps some students stay fit during the stress of finals.

“I’ll try to play sports and do stuff to try to get my mind off of it,” said freshman Chris Scott.

Titus recommends getting up periodically to increase blood flow.

Drudge said to spend extra time in the weight room instead of playing video games or watching TV.

“Just balance your time and do as much exercise as you can without failing or getting behind,” Drudge said.

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