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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Waitress: A- (PG-13)

Sweet, Summer pie

Service with a smile, and lots of bizarre recipes for pie.

There is much more to Keri Russell than her star-making persona, "Felicity" -- and she proves that in "Waitress." \nThe film is reminiscent of the Jennifer Aniston vehicle, "The Good Girl" (2002), in that Russell plays Jenna, a sweet, Southern, pregnant, blue-collar waitress who tries to escape her unhappy marriage to Earl (Jeremy Sisto, "Six Feet Under"), by baking pies and having an affair. The difference between "The Good Girl" and this film is that "Waitress" handles dark issues in a more comedic way -- not to mention the fact that Russell makes Jenna a truly likable character.\nWhen Jenna dreams up recipes for "I hate my husband pie" and "Baby screaming its head off in the middle of the night and ruining my life pie," she recites the ingredients in an even, almost unaffected tone. With such a silly outlet for her emotions, the audience can not only empathize but also have a laugh.\nThe talent in this film is not limited to Russell, however. Nathan Fillion ("Slither") as Jenna's doctor, Eddie Jemison ("Oceans Eleven") as a spontaneous poet suitor, and Cheryl Hines ("Curb Your Enthusiasm") and Adrienne Shelly (who also wrote and directed) as her co-waitresses add humor and charm. The real gem of the cast, though, is Andy Griffith as Old Joe, the crotchety owner and patron of the pie shop where Jenna works. Griffith is endearing as the wise old sage with a "horny past" who has a heart of gold beneath a grumpy exterior. \nThe only thing that tainted the movie was the ending, which was a little too easy and too perfect following the movie's complex events. Furthermore, the sweetness of the film is underscored by the fact that "Waitress" will be Shelly's last film, as she was murdered in her New York City office in November. It's clear that Shelly's final movie is a love letter to motherhood, something that will resonate with a woman who is actually a mother. Buy two tickets as a late Mother's Day surprise -- it will be a gift for your mom and yourself.

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