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Sunday, June 16
The Indiana Daily Student

Live It Up

As if incoming freshman aren’t bombarded with enough “advice,” I’ve decided throw my own suggestions into the mix. Not that my advice is better than or even just as good as the advice you’ve heard before. It’s just what worked for me.\nNix your expectations. We all have preconceived notions of college life before we arrive on campus. It’s not that Bloomington won’t live up to your wildest expectations – it will often surpass them. But preparing yourself by watching a marathon of all the college movies you can rent, from Van Wilder to Revenge of the Nerds, can build too much pressure. Don’t anticipate the fall too much; for now, just enjoy the summer. Otherwise, you risk psyching yourself out. Spend your time e-mailing your roommate and color coordinating. OK, maybe not. But do contact the person you will be living with, especially if you go the “potluck” route. Accidentally having two microwaves is not as cool as it sounds.\nGet involved. This may sound like the most generic advice possible, but it’s good advice. Everyone is going to tell you how many great clubs, intramural sports teams, and activities IU has. Your first instinct will be to stop listening. Still, after you attend CultureFest your first weekend here and receive free food from a sampling of the campus groups, you’ll be more interested. Don’t miss the Student Activities Fair. You’ll be able to get more information about almost every group on campus and begin to see which ones you may like to join. Remember that IU has a highly-regarded student paper and student radio station, and both will be looking for new students to add to their staffs. Don’t be afraid to get involved in something even if you’re not really sure what it involves. Union Board, for example, doesn’t have the most familiar title, but it’s the largest student programming body on campus and plans everything from concerts to lectures.\nRush. I know what you might be thinking, but hear me out. Indiana has a wonderful Greek community. Even if you’ve never thought about joining a sorority or fraternity before, or you have specifically thought about not joining one, you might be surprised. Greek life isn’t right for everyone, so even if you don’t end up joining a house, rushing will have been a great experience. You’ll meet a lot of people and come through the rush process with a better understanding of what Greek life on campus is really about. Members of Greek houses often deal with the butt end of a lot of “Animal House” stereotypes, but check out the houses for yourself.\nStudy. Last time I checked, this is technically why we come here. Though there are many extracurricular activities where you should try out, going to lectures and taking notes will be helpful come test time. Attending lecture is only half the battle; getting out of bed is the harder part. If all else fails, all-nighters are key, and Bloomington has plenty of 24-hour food stores to help you supplement your studies.\nFinally, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! It will all go very fast!

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