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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Comedic cop caper hits the crapper on DVD

'Hutch' DVD not clutch

The inspired, yet slightly flawed, cinematic redux of lame '70s cop show "Starsky and Hutch," recently hit DVD. Sadly, the disc doesn't stack up to the manic antics of this comedic cop caper.\nBen Stiller stars as David Starsky, a hard-nosed, by-the-book cop who looms in the shadow of his deceased policewoman of a mother. Fellow officer, Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson (Owen Wilson), plays by his own rules, and isn't above pilfering cash from dead men's wallets, cavorting with pimps and other nefarious types and doing drugs recreationally. Both men are embarrassments to the Bay City Police Department, and therefore, are teamed as partners by Captain Doby (blaxploitation icon Fred Williamson). After all, misery loves company.\nSoon enough, the boys stumble upon a washed up corpse and their first case. All signs point to Reese Feldman (a scenery chewing/Fu Manchu-sporting Vince Vaughn) -- a smarmy pusherman under the guise of model citizen and upper class philanthropist. Aiding the dynamic duo in their pursuit are lovable snitch, Huggy Bear (a solid, if somewhat underused, Snoop Dogg) and Starsky's prized cherry red 1976 Ford Gran Torino.\nMany of the film's laughs come from Stiller's uptight asswad routine and Wilson's lackadaisical stoner shtick. Unfortunately, much of this humor doesn't translate to the DVD. The featurette, "Fashion Fa Shizzle Wit Huggy Bizzle," in which Snoop inanely drones on about his wardrobe, is one of the stupidest special things I've ever seen. Director/co-writer Todd Phillips' ("Old School") commentary is neither funny nor particularly informative, though, he comes across as a nice guy. He probably would've benefitted from the presence of his cast, much like the hilarious track on the "Old School" DVD.\n"Starsky and Hutch" is an entertaining waste of two hours, if only the DVD could've provided a few more.

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