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Saturday, June 15
The Indiana Daily Student

Soundtrack a cut above the rest

It's been said before and I'll say it again: Quentin Tarantino sure knows how to compile one hell of a soundtrack. Once more, he resurrects numerous forgotten musicians and songs, while seamlessly integrating his snappy dialogue into the proceedings.\nThose who dug the album accompanying "Vol. 1" may be disappointed with the new record. That's not to say it isn't any good -- it certainly is -- it's just disparate from its predecessor.\nRumors suggesting that "Vol. 2" is little more than an unabashed love letter to spaghetti Westerns seem founded, as much of the music is in this thematic milieu. Registering best among said cuts is Ennio Morricone's beatific "L'Arena." \nOther highlights include; Luis Bacalov's rockin' and reelin' "Summertime Killer" (a track tailor-made for onscreen ass-kicking), Johnny Cash's achingly heartrending "A Satisfied Mind," Morricone's ominous "A Silhouette of Doom" (this should be committed to memory by now, as it's appeared in nearly every trailer), notorious Sex Pistols manager Malcom McLaren's kitschy, between the sheets bombast "About Her" and RZA's untitled bonus cut featuring a prototypically foul-mouthed but nonetheless hilarious Dirt McGirt a.k.a. Ol' Dirty Bastard, which hearkens back to the inspired sounds of RZA as Bobby Digital in Stereo only traversed to Tarantino-land.\nThe record's not perfect, however. Shivaree's insipidly chick-y "Goodnight Moon," is likely to grate on your last nerve, and Chingon's "Malaguena Salerosa" (produced by Tarantino's filmmaking brother in arms and "Kill Bill: Vol. 2" scorer, Robert Rodriguez) sounds like something you'd hear in a Mexican eatery i.e. it's better after three or four Coronas in the midst of digesting fajitas.

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