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Saturday, Aug. 31
The Indiana Daily Student


Supporting cast steps up for blowout win

Bench players take leading role in victory against Illinois State

IU is more than just seniors Jill Chapman and Heather Cassady. That was apparent Friday night against Illinois State with a 101-53 Hoosier victory. In that game, juniors Jill Hartman and Allison Skapin turned in strong performances off the bench for IU, scoring 18 and 10 points, respectively. The end result was two unfamiliar faces sitting next to coach Kathi Bennett in the post-game press conference. \n"You ever been here before?" Bennett asked Hartman as the trio sat down for the post-game interviews.\n"Uh-huh," Hartman said as she nodded. "A while ago."\nThe loss of junior point guard Kristen Bodine to injury for the season has meant other players have to step up for IU. Friday, it was Hartman and Skapin who stood out, among others.\n"We got everybody stepping up. We understand that we're going to do everything together," Bennett said. "We've gotten better play out of people already. I think everybody understands that individually we have to get better, so we can get better as a team. We're very motivated at this time."\nIn the first half, Skapin was all over the floor. Bringing her strong work ethic to the Hoosier frontcourt, Skapin scored seven points and grabbed four rebounds in seven minutes. Her strong play was something Bennett said she has been looking for off the bench in the frontcourt. Bennett said Skapin's strong game was typical of her overall improved play this season.\n"She's improved so much. I think all of our post players have. I think Jamie (Gathing) and (Skapin), and Erika (Christenson), and Jelena (Lazic) have all stepped up," Bennett said.\nSkapin took her strong game in stride, saying she was out there doing her job.\n"I just want to carry over what I do in practice and help out the team the best I can. On the boards, that's what I need to do," Skapin said. "They gave me a job to do and I just wanted to do the best I could. I went in there and did the best I could, I thought it turned out OK."\nHartman's strong game shooting from the outside was also a welcome sight for Bennett. Hartman is part of a trio of guards, along with freshman Jenny DeMuth and junior Khisha Asubuhi, who are being asked to replace Bodine. Hartman had her best game of the season Friday, scoring 18 on 6-of-6 shooting from the floor, and 4-for-5 from the free throw line.\n"I spent a lot of time this summer working on my shot and I think it feels just a lot more natural," Hartman said.\nHartman's best shot of the night came on the Hoosiers' last possession. With 11seconds remaining, SIU called a time-out. With 99 points on the board, IU wanted to crack triple digits and they called on Hartman. Hartman got the ball and hit a tough shot on the right side.\n"We were just going to run a play off a flare. I didn't get the ball right away. I knew everyone wanted to get over the 100-point mark. And I was really determined to get a shot off"

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