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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Following the two lawsuits

Alumni lawsuit\nLess than a month after setting the stage for a trial in a lawsuit against the IU board of trustees, a Jeffersonville judge decided in August to send the case to the Indiana Court of Appeals.\nThe plaintiffs, a group of 46 supporters of former men's basketball coach Bob Knight, have already filed an appeal.\nThe plaintiffs, who first filed their lawsuit in September of 2000, allege IU president Myles Brand violated Indiana's Open Door Laws when he fired Knight last September. Brand consulted with two groups of four trustees before firing the legendary coach.\nThe University maintains no quorum was present at any meeting with Brand, eliminating the need for public notice.\nSpecial Judge Cecile Blau ruled in July to allow the plaintiffs to pursue their claim in court.\nWhile Blau ruled Brand was within both the scope of the law and his legal authority as University president in firing Knight, she did acknowledge the plaintiffs' claim that the board met in executive session without public notice. In her ruling, Blau rejected both parties' requests for summary judgment and allowed the suit to commence.\nThe IU board of trustees appealed in mid-August, citing the release of information and embarrassment a trial could cause.\nBlau granted their request, sending the case to appeals court Aug. 20.\nIndianapolis Star lawsuit\nThe case, originally filed in late October of 2000 by the Indianapolis Star in Marion County, seeks access to documents in former men's basketball coach Bob Knight's personnel file and other records compiled during IU's investigation into the conduct of the coach.\nThe original complaint claims IU violated Indiana's Access to Public Records Act, which gives individuals and agencies the opportunity to review and copy public documents.\nThe Indianapolis Star filed a lawsuit in October with the Marion County Superior Court against IU to inspect and copy its "investigatory findings" surrounding the disciplinary action against and eventual firing of former basketball coach Bob Knight.\nThe official complaint filed by The Star claims IU violated Indiana's Access to Public Records Act. This act gives individuals and agencies the opportunity to review and copy public documents.\nAccording to The Star's complaint "IU waived its APRA exemptions when it publicly disclosed significant portions of the 'investigatory findings' through its dissemination of IU's 'Summary Report of the Trustee Review Regarding Neil Reed Allegations Concerning The Conduct of Coach Bob Knight' and made subsequent public statements about these 'investigatory proceedings.'"\nIU spokeswoman Susan Dillman, said IU plans to vigorously defend the lawsuit.\n"IU followed the law in all respects," she said. "If you look at the Public Access laws, the opinion is consistent with IU's actions"

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