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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Team warms up for season

Intrasquad scrimmage offers extra practice, taste of new rules for Hoosier team

The women's volleyball team tuned up for the season with an intrasquad scrimmage Saturday. The rain didn't stop the Hoosiers' as they warmed up for their first scrimmage in University Gym. The scrimmage had the two teams cheering each other on with screams, high fives and encouraging advice. \n"We are really starting to gel as a team," head coach Katie Weismiller said. "The team chemistry is great and they didn't have any trouble playing against each other. They all remained friends."\nThe teams were red versus white, and Weismiller said the two teams are not a preview of who will start in the upcoming season. \n"We looked through the past two weeks to divide the teams," Weismiller said, "it was a matter of seeing what we need."\nIn collegiate volleyball matches, games are played until a team has won three out of five rounds, but Saturday was played differently for the team to get in extra practice. \nThe white team won the first three out of five games. They also played by the new collegiate volleyball rules that were changed this year. A big rule change is scoring, which has been changed to rally scoring. This entails a point at every sideout opposed to the former method that only gave points to the team that served. \nThe third game of the match offered up a close game with the white team leading 27-25. They then pulled ahead to a 29-25 lead and were one point away from a win when the red team used blocking to bring them back into the game. But red failed to win with a faulty serve and delivered white their third win of the afternoon 30-27. \nThe fourth game consisted of both teams flip-flopping the lead the entire game. Red claimed the game with a 30-28 win over white. The fifth game with was only played to 15 points, and ended with white's fourth win of the day. \n"They are all such good friends, and it didn't matter that they were split into two teams, because you can see they were all congratulating each other afterwards and stretching with each other," Weismiller said after the match. \nSophomore Melissa Brewer agreed. \n"We had a great time. We tried to make this as game like as possible…it was a great showing." \nSophomore Anna Makowski and Brewer said they couldn't wait for the season to start. \nThey said they look forward to conference competition.\n"Any Big Ten game, but the first game of the season is always the best. We have been working so hard," they said.

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