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Saturday, July 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Seniors survive, say farewell

As "Survivor" fever sweeps the country, the softball squad takes pride in the fact it boasts two real life survivors.\nFour years ago, IU softball had an incoming freshman class of seven players. For various reasons, that number was dwindled down to two players, outfielder Melissa Narewski and pitcher Jen Smith.\nAs their eligibility comes to an end, the two said they are pleased they stuck with the grueling demands of varsity athletics. If nothing else, the surviving team has created a friendship between the two seniors.\n"We started out with seven freshman, and with the two of us being the only two who stayed, we've gone through so much together -- hard times, good times, lots of laughs, and lots of tears, lots of tears," Narewski said.\nFor the past four years, the softball team has engulfed the lives of the two seniors. As their experience comes to an end, the two close friends are approaching the end of the careers in different fashion.\n"I'm excited, because I never thought the four years would end," Smith said. "I'm ready to be done with this part of my life and move on to a more professional part of my career."\nNarewski said she is excited to move on with her life, as well, but because softball had become such an important part of her life, having it end is hard to deal with.\n"I can't believe this is over. My freshman year seems like yesterday. It's so crazy," Narewski said. "It's sad losing a huge part of my identity. I've always been a softball player."\nBoth said they appreciate is the friendships they've made from being with the team.\n"I've made my best friends from being a part of the team," Smith said. "The friendships is the one thing I'll definitely take away from it."\nDuring their four seasons at IU, the two never experienced a winning team, but that hasn't tainted their experiences as Hoosiers.\n"I've had fun. It would have been more fun to have a winning program," Smith said. "It's what happened and I am where I am."\n"It's tough to assess your career and know you've had a lot of losses, but I'm just trying to look at the positives, pick out the time around the team, and the skills I've learned, like leadership and time management," Narewski said.\nTheir loss will be felt by the team as well, who said they will miss having their seniors around the locker room and at practices.\n"I'm just going to miss playing with them," junior Monique Bullock said. "Their attitudes were great towards me, I'm just going to miss their smiling faces; it's just sad to see them go."\nBoth have a few classes to finish up before they earn their degree, but upon graduation, Smith plans on moving on to dental school, while Narewski will be working towards getting her MBA.\nThe seniors are in agreement that surviving IU softball will prepare them for life after college.\n"I've become a stronger person, for dealing with athletics and school," Smith said. "I feel that if I can make it through four years of college athletics and four years of academics, I can make it through anything"

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