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Saturday, Aug. 31
The Indiana Daily Student


Pair sets mark for tennis team

With the 2001 women's tennis season coming to a close, so too does the collegiate tennis careers of two seniors, Jennifer Hsia and Kelly Blanch.\nThe two captains are completing their four-year terms on the tennis team. The two have garnered the respect of their coach and fellow teammates.\n"Both Kelly and Jen have not only been great seniors this year, but for all my years here," junior Amanda Field said. "They have been two people I've looked up to for guidance. Since I am a year below them, they have been helping me since my freshman year. They are two great individuals that will be missed."\nCoach Lin Loring said he will miss the presence that the seniors brought onto the court.\n"(Blanch and Hsia) have both been really good captains and team leaders," Loring said. "Jen has played a little singles and the doubles this year, and Kelly has been with us at the No.1 doubles all four years and No. 1 singles this year." \nBlanch has come a long way to join the Hoosiers for the last four years. She hails from Grafton, Australia, where she led Grafton High School tennis squad to a second place finish in the Australian All School Championships. Highlighting an impressive pre-college career are a girls age-group Australian National Clay Court Doubles Championships titles in 1993, 1994 and 1995, as well as representing Australia in the World Junior Finals in Japan in 1994.\nBlanch made an immediate impact upon arriving at IU, claiming a spot on the No.1 doubles team -- a position she would not relinquish during her entire career at IU. Blanch, teamed up with former IU player Correne Stout, capped off her rookie season with an invitation to play in the NCAA Doubles Championships, where they lost in the first round.\nSince then, Blanch has compiled an impressive tennis resume, adding another trip to the NCAA Doubles Championships in her junior year, and holding the No.1 doubles and singles spot her entire senior year.\n"Kelly is our team leader and our hardest worker," Loring said. "She has a good all-court game. She comes to the net well and has a strong baseline game and good foot speed."\nHsia is from Tuscaloosa, Ala., and attended St. Stephen's Prep high school in Texas. In Alabama, Hsia was ranked the No. 1 player in the state for five years in summer competition. She finished second in state at No. 1 singles her senior year and also at No. 1 doubles her junior and senior seasons.\nIn college, Hsia has been valuable at a variety of roles. While a mainstay this season at the No. 3 doubles spot, she has jumped anywhere from No.1 to No. 3 doubles and filled in successfully where needed in singles throughout her career.\nBoth seniors said they are satisfied with their stay at IU.\n"Indiana has definitely become my second home," Hsia said. "I have found that the people here are incredibly generous and caring. It will be extremely difficult to leave Bloomington, because it will be like leaving my family."\nBlanch said she is also pleased with her time as a Hoosier.\n"I came in with the goal of making the best of this opportunity that i have, and I think I have done just that," Blanch said. "I have met great people, traveled and seen new places and improved my tennis game and will be receiving a degree from a great school."\nAlthough the team will miss the two seniors next year, Loring says it's just part of the game.\n"You can't really replace seniors," Loring said. "You have freshman that come in here, but they have to get used to college tennis and all that goes with it. Last year we lost one half of every doubles team, and this year we have won 11 doubles points in a row. You just have to adjust"

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