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Sunday, May 12
The Indiana Daily Student


Local record label celebrates 1st year

Rapper Roy “R-Juna” Waterford and his girlfriend Cassidy “IRIS” Raley co-founded Strong Roots Records, an independent hip-hop label based in Bloomington.

After performing at a music festival , the couple was inspired to create the label in October 2013.

This year, the label will celebrate its first ?anniverary.

“We’re really inspired by what’s called ‘golden era hip-hop,’ Waterford said.

Waterford works on a sound that is a “stream of higher consciousness over gritty, boom bap, East Coast beats,” he said.

But that golden era hip-hop hasn’t made them reject all things ?contemporary.

“My sound ranges from soulful, mysterious sounds with old-school and new-school drums,” Raley, who is responsible for making beats for many of the label’s artists, said.

With a roster that features artists with a kaleidoscope of styles and backgrounds – old school rap, soul, electronic and EDM – the label has something for everyone.

Despite the variety, there is a thread that connects these artists.

“We’re making music with a purpose that can bring people together, not so much new school music that talks about objectifying women or glorifying violence,” Waterford said.

Rather than relying on catchy instrumentals or one-liners, Strong Roots Records tries to attract their fan base on a deeper level.

“People will come up to us after a show and say ‘I don’t even listen to hip-hop, but what you guys are saying is really powerful,’” Waterford said.

Creating powerful hip-hop is something that Strong Roots Records works with others to create. The record label is funded entirely by donations and selling compilations at ?release parties.

“It’s all in-house production. We do all our own album art, we dig for all of our samples ourselves, we chop them ourselves. All of our music is free,” Waterford said.

Strong Roots Records’ main focus is on spreading their message through playing shows as well as promotion via websites such as Twitter, Bandcamp and SoundCloud.

The label also consistently releases records and music from the artists they work with.

To see an updated list of new music from the label, the group’s Facebook and Bandcamp pages are updated with new releases and projects.

All of the music is free to stream and download from SoundCloud.

Recently, members of the record label have performed at local venues including the Bluebird ?Nightclub.

The group performed with a group called Cosby Sweater Sept. 11.

Waterford and Raley plan on expanding their roster, making more music and potentially performing in a cross-country circuit.

Regardless of where their music branches out, this record label is trying to stick to their main roots in Bloomington.

“Fame isn’t really a big deal to me,” Waterford said. “It’s more about the message getting out there rather than any adoration as individuals. But to be truly satisfied, I would like our music to be understood and appreciated by people all over the world.”

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