BoomBox; The Bluebird

Thursday, 9 PM

Spotify the band "BoomBox" and the first thing you're likely to see are a number of tracks written out in bastardized Cyrillic. This is the Ukrainian Boombox, who are not the Boombox that will be playing the Bluebird tomorrow night. Despite the cultural separation however, one can find many comparisons between the two. Notice for example, how each group features heavy groove and beat; how each "Boombox" incorporates the occasional reggae guitar lick and a danceable, rock-and-roll-esque vitality. It'd make one hell of an international music festival to see the dueling Boomboxes, but only one will be playing tomorrow night. Even so, with a blend of electronica and funk and pop and blues, the one Boombox will be more than enough.

Post by Brandon Cook

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